Hello Ms., Xuan
Great congratulations for the Organisation of the trip.
You have been right, the Tourguide Mr. Arun an our new driver Mr. Been are very very good. The take care of us, like we are theire familie. . Also i want o tell you, that the restaurants they chose for our lunch and dinner, are very good one. and very high standart of the kitchen. We always get set menue, but if we don't want the set menue, we are allowed to choose a meal from the card.
Testerday our driver and our guide brought us at 6.45 in a 5 star hotel, were we hade a buffet and the royal dance. It was really the best we ever had. it was in the beautifull garden from the hotel surrounding the pool, and ther have been so many people and so many table, but ours was the first one in the front of the stage.
Erwin had last night a problem with his hands (he has Rheumatism). Arun asked me if we want to go to see the doctor. but erin does'nt want, so Arun gave us his privat telefonnumber and told us, that if we will have any problem we should coll him at any time.
Xuan, i told you, i have been to o lot of places in the world, but really we never had such an oganisation like here.
When we get back home i have to write a long recommend about your company . Erwin is better today and all the athers inkludingme we are very well.
Greetings from us all.
Denise Einramhof
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