Siiri Ladva

Siiri Ladva

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Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia Luxury Tour – 22Days/ 21 Nights)


Thank you very much for adequate clarification!

As to sum-up our tour arranged by you can be considered as a full success. Everything was arranged professionally and worked out well for us.

All the tour-guides were professional and helpful, but we would like to point out one of the tour-guides we learned to know during our voyage. 

This person is Tran Dang Dinh. He had perfect knowledge about Vietnamese history, acted very professionally as a tour-guide and his language skills are very good. He was also extraordinary service-minded and this is in our mind the most important part in this job.

Once again, thank you very much and we hope that we could use your services also in the future.

Best regards,

Siiri Ladva and

Gunnar Okk from

Estonia and Finland